Reinstall your Google Chrome Browser to Fix – Go to the start menu. Search or directly go to the. On the discover server that is running the scan: Download and install the Microsoft JDBC driver jar version mssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre8.jar or later into the C: Program Files Symantec DataLossPrevention DetectionServer Protect lib jdbc directory. Yes I also saw the bytes received and sent and then connection was closed. I am trying to set up SFTP from SERVERA to SERVERB. Users on these servers are different. So I have generated the pub/private keys for USERA on SERVERA. I then SFTP'ed the PUB file for USERA on SERVERB using password and copied this public file to authorizedkeys file.
Dec 07, 2018 04:12 PM|Koenemoes|LINK
We have had this issue for a couple of months at seemingly random times and levels of severity. Last week I finally got the extra hint from a seemingly unrelated event.
We also saw a 100% CPU spike on at least 1 IIS app pool which brings down the whole server after a while.
IISRESET was our only solution and this would work.
Long story short: it happened during WSUS updates of our dc's. The AD resync after rebooting them took longer than the configured time window of 1 hour.
So the situation could arise that both DNS servers were offline -> so also no AD
State server was configured as 'localhost', would not have had this issue. I check by disassembling webengine4.dll. It returns something like 'connection closed by remote host' HRESULT 72746.
But system.web interprets this as the session being locked by a concurrent query and keeps retrying at full speed. This created an infinite loop of failing socket connections PER SESSION!
And that is why cpu got to 100%. It fills up the request queue, still waiting for the session data and then fajils completely with http 503 for all appools.
Our logs also showed connection issues to our sql because ad was down.
We were so focussed on the 100% cpu being the cause, but it was only a symptom. The fact that this error logged in event viewer was very misleading in my case.
In the end it was a quick 1 minute fix of the DC. -> no more emergency wake up calls for me :)
This was a perfect storm of timing events and small config mistakes which led to misleading logs and cpu spike by a bug...? Why keep retrying to read the session data if it won't work due to dns. Just end the webrequest there and log sometinhg like: NameResolution Failed instead of connection timeout