• 2Tutorial
    • 2.3Conversion

Boost Track Grand Prix – CTGP Revolution Classic – Dimrain47 Music Pack – HackStarz Custom THP Pack – HackStarz Music Pack – MKW Ultra Shortcut Edition – Revo Kart 64 Texture Hacks: Dark Bowser Castle 3 – SK Volcano – Lapis Mines – Cuber's Castle – Sunset Mall – SSBB Mushroomy Kingdom – Galaxy Beach – Haunted Parkway. Change transmissions in race! Code is set to start with Manual. Press activator to switch to Auto. If you chose 'Automatic' transmission on the vehicle selection screen, you will only be able to use 1 drifting button to drift when you switch to 'Manual' transmission via this code during the race. Automatic was chosen, with Wheel, you can only drift using the 1 button after.


This is a Download and Install Tutorial for distributions from Wiimms Mario Kart Fun. It explains how to create an ISO image or Riivolution template by using the ISO Patcher.

Die deutschsprachige Installationsanleitung findet ihr hier.



The script files (also known as batch files) create-image.bat and create-image.sh convert an original Mario Kart Wii ISO (PAL or NTSC) into a new one called Wiimms Mario Kart Fun YYYY-DD.

*.bat files are used by Windows users and *.sh files by Unix users.

Download Mario Kart Wii Hacked Symbols For Mario

This conversion only works on hard drives that support hardlinks. NTFS and all modern Unix file systems support hardlinks; FAT does not.

Mario Kart Wii Mario Voice


  • A backup of an original Mario Kart Wii ISO (PAL or NTSC) in one of the following formats: ISO, CISO, WBFS, WDF or WIA.
  • A Wii with installed cIOS or IOS with the Trucha Bug enabled.
  • 6 GB of free space (+1.5 GB for every additional ISO).


  1. Download a distribution of your choice (see below) and unpack the TAR archive inside the TXZ archive.
  2. Copy the Mario Kart Wii ISO into the root directory of the previously created directory structure.
  3. Unix users should execute chmod a+x *.sh to make the shell scripts executable.
  4. Windows users should start the batch file named create-image.bat. All other users can start the file named create-image.sh.
  5. After starting the script, it asks for some conversion details.
    • Enter the preferred conversation language.
      • de for German.
      • en for English.
      • es for Spanish.
      • kr for Korean.
    • Enter the preferred game language.
    • Enter the preferred track names.
    • Enter the preferred ISO output.
      • The newer versions of this patcher supports a Riivolution template. Enter riiv and continue at the next section.
    • Enter the preferred savegame setting.
      • no: The game will use the original savegame.
      • yes: The game will use a newly generated savegame, which doesn't interfere with the original one whatsoever.
  6. The new images will be created in the sub directory named new-image/ with a size of about 1.4 GB. The following options are:
    • Copy the new ISO image into your game folder.
    • Add the new image with a WBFS Manager to your WBFS drive.
    • Burn the new image with a burning tool.
  7. After all is done, the setup can be removed.

Creating a Riivolution template

Download Mario Kart Wii Hacked Symbols For Mario Bros

The Riivolution template is stored into the directory riiv-sd-card/. Copy all files in that directory to your SD Card and let it replace everything on there.

Diagnostic Scripts

The ISO Patcher contains 2 diagnostic scripts.

  • view-images.bat and view-images.sh will print a table with all the current directory detected ISO images.
  • verify-images.bat and verify-images.sh verify all detected ISO images in the current directory. The content of each image will be decrypted to verify the stored SHA1 checksums. This process takes some time.


Wiimms Mario Kart Fun — Distributions
ID Title Series Notes First
RMCx02 Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2010-02 Fun Initially a private distribution for friends with 7 custom tracks and 23 texture hacks. Updated to a public release with Wiimmfi support in December 2014. 2010-02-14 2015-02-08v2 (41MB)
RMCx03 Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2010-10 Fun Initially a private distribution for friends with 30 custom tracks and 2 texture hacks. Updated to a public release with Wiimmfi support in January 2015. 2010-10-21 2015-02-08v4 (35MB)
Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2010-12.p Fun A private distribution for friends with 64 custom tracks on 2 images. 2010-12-01 2013-09-07
RMCx06Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2010-12 Fun First public distribution, based on RMCx04. 2010-12-13 2013-09-07v6 (39MB)
RMCx07Wiimms Mario Kart Retro 2011-02 Retro 32 retro tracks. 2011-02-25 2013-09-07v4 (38MB)
RMCx08Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2011-03 Fun 32 custom tracks. 2011-03-25 2013-09-07v4 (46MB)
RMCx09Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2011-06 Fun 32 custom tracks. 2011-06-11 2013-09-07v2 (49MB)
RMCx10Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2011-07 Fun 32 custom tracks. 2011-07-15 2013-09-05v2 (50MB)
RMCx11Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2011-08 Fun 32 custom tracks. 2011-08-27 2013-09-05v4 (57MB)
RMCx12Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2011-11 Fun 32 custom tracks. 2011-11-27 2013-09-05v2 (60MB)
RMCx13Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2012-01 Fun 32 custom tracks. 2012-01-21 2013-09-05v2 (63MB)
RMCx14Wiimms Mario Kart Revival 2012-02 Revival Special release with 32 old custom tracks. 2012-02-11 2013-09-05v2 (50MB)
RMCx15Wiimms Mario Kart Boost 2012-03 Boost 32 boost tracks. 2012-03-17 2013-09-05v2 (52MB)
RMCx16Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2012-05 Fun 32 custom tracks. 2012-05-28 2013-09-05v3 (60MB)
RMCx17Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2012-09 Fun 32 custom tracks. 2012-09-08 2013-09-05v3 (61MB)
RMCx18Wiimms Mario Kart N64 2012-10 Retro 32 N64 based tracks. 2012-10-30 2013-09-05v2 (38MB)
RMCx19Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2012-12 Fun 32 custom tracks. 2012-12-30 2013-09-05v2 (55MB)
RMCx20Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2013-04 Fun 32 custom tracks. 2013-04-13 2013-09-05v4 (52MB)
RMCx21Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2013-09 Fun 32 custom tracks. 2013-09-06v1 (55MB)
RMCx22Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2013-10 Fun 128 custom tracks. 2013-10-24 2013-11-02v2 (142MB)
RMCx23Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2014-01 Fun 152 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support. 2014-01-10 2014-07-05v2 (168MB)
RMCx24Wiimms Mario Kart Retro 2014-02 Retro 160 Wii and retro tracks with Wiimmfi support. 2014-02-23 2014-07-05v3 (100MB)
RMCx25Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2014-04 Fun 160 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support. 2014-04-19 2014-07-05v4 (172MB)
RMCx26Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2014-11 Fun 168 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support. 2014-11-14v1 (187MB)
RMCx27Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2015-03 Fun 184 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support and track name translation. 2015-03-21 2018-11-24v3 (206MB)
RMCx28Wiimms Mario Kart Retro 2015-05 Retro 168 Wii and retro tracks with Wiimmfi support. 2015-05-10v1 (111MB)
RMCx29Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2015-08 Fun 192 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support and track name translation. 2015-08-15 2018-11-24v2 (215MB)
RMCx30Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2015-12 Fun 228 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support, track name translation and new random tracks. 2015-12-04 2018-11-24v2 (248MB)
RMCx31Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2016-02 Fun 216 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support, track name translation and random tracks. 2016-02-26 2018-11-24v3 (268MB)
RMCx32Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2016-07 Fun 216 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support, track name translation and random tracks. 2016-07-01 2018-11-24v3 (288MB)
RMCx33Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2016-10 Fun 216 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support, track name translation and random tracks. 2016-10-21 2018-11-24v2 (290MB)
RMCx34Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2017-05 Fun 216 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support, track name translation and random tracks. 2017-05-10 2018-11-24v2 (300MB)
RMCx35Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2017-12 Fun 216 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support, track name translation and random tracks. 2017-12-02 2018-11-24v3 (309MB)
RMCx36Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2018-03 Fun 216 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support, track name translation and random tracks. 2018-03-24 2018-11-24v2 (326MB)
RMCx37Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2018-06 Fun 216 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support, track name translation and random tracks. 2018-06-23 2018-11-24v2 (321MB)
RMCx38Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2018-09 Fun 216 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support, track name translation and random tracks. 2018-09-22 2018-11-24v3 (320MB)
RMCx39Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2018-12 Fun 216 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support, track name translation and random tracks. 2018-12-22v1 (320MB)
RMCx40Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2019-03 Fun 216 custom tracks with Wiimmfi support, track name translation and random tracks. 2019-03-22v1 (313MB)
RMCx41Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2019-06 Fun 312 custom tracks with the first LE-CODE based distribution in the series. 2019-06-21 2019-07-09v2 (453MB)
RMCx42Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2019-10 Fun 361 custom tracks with a LE-CODE based distribution. 2019-10-25v1 (473MB)
RMCx43Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2020-02 Fun 347 custom tracks with a LE-CODE based distribution. 2020-02-14 2020-03-06v2 (508MB)
RMCx44Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2020-06 Fun 352 custom tracks with a LE-CODE based distribution. 2020-06-18 2020-07-26v2 (510MB)
RMCx45Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2020-12 Fun 376 custom tracks with a LE-CODE based distribution. 2020-12-05 2020-12-12v1 564 MB
A yellow background in the first and latest release columns means that this distribution is not compatible with the current Wiimmfi Login.

CT Distributions:
Years 2010–2019
MKW-Fun 2020-02— MKW-Fun 2020-06— MKW-Fun 2020-12
Download and Install

Custom Tracks:
Alpine Mountain— N64 Frappe Snowland— N64 Kalimari Desert— N64 Koopa Troopa Beach— N64 Wario Stadium
many updates and bug fixes

Custom Arena:
Bash 'n' Dash 'n' Battle

Wii Games Mario Kart

Wiimms SZS Tools— Wiimms ISO Tools— Wiimms ISO Patcher— WBZ Converter— mkw-ana— LE-CODE

Cheat Codes:
License Unlock— Clear Profile ID— Item Cheat

szs.wiimm.de— wit.wiimm.de— ct.wiimm.de— wiimm.de— wiimmfi.de

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Mario kart wii mario voice

Mario Kart For The Wii

02-14-2016, 07:44 AM

Download Mario Kart Wii Hacked Symbols For Mario Kart

Here is just a brief video tutorial made by me if anyone is still interested in doing so.
Sorry if this thread is in the wrong place
Sorry for my static Microphone in the background and some sound from outside.
This video is a brief/guide of a bit of what you should expect, have, or do
If you are looking to play Online I do not know how and I most likely won't try.
I do not take any credits for the work of this feel free to modify the work.
If you have issue with Converting CTGPR V1.02 aka v1.02.003 to ISO. Which I realize there might be a problem (hopefully it isn't).
Here is the original source where you have to pack it through codes. Sorry as I didn't notice this ahead of time of this video. If you want me to do it let me know.
Wiki Link of Hack Packs
Download Link