
.remastered and including updates for Rolemaster Classic, Rolemaster Companion I is a must for all Rolemaster (2nd Edition and Classic) fans. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (2nd Edition). New combat results table, saving throw matrix, and a revised XP award table for the AD&D game.

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Seaghan MacCathmhaoil from The Táin by Mary A Hutton
Talbot Press, Dublin, 1907.
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Welcome to the Eirbrony Erudition, the official ezine of Zayix's Falgorna Archives for Dungeons and Dragons (AD&D 2nd edition). Each edition contains game-related fiction and news. Contact the editor, Steve Stewart (aka Zayix), with your submissions of fiction, poetry, art and game-related articles.

The Erudition e-zine is published when I get around to it. They are saved in Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) format and you'll need Acrobat Reader (version 3.0+) to read them. Acrobat Reader is a free download and can be found at (

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Volume 1, No. 1


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